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Electronic signatures for any situation

Electronic signatures for any situation

An electronic signature system allows you to store, organise and find the documents you need quickly and conveniently. All records are electronic, so there is no need for lengthy searches and paperwork.

The need to sign documents and contracts has been around as long as the concept of contracts themselves, and with the globalisation of the world and the expansion of business between different continents and countries, obtaining signatures of the parties involved has become a major challenge of the last century. Simple mail and paper documents were replaced by faxes, which can be seen as a kind of ancestor of digitised documents and e-signatures.

More than two decades ago, directives and changes in the legal framework made e-signatures transformed business and changed the way documents were signed, exchanged and authenticated. ZebraSign’s e-signature system not only simplifies document management processes and increases business efficiency, but also provides a number of other important benefits, which we will review in this article.

Faster work and lower costs

One of the key advantages of our electronic signature system is the significant reduction in the time it takes to sign documents, as files no longer need to be uploaded to several different platforms – everything happens in one place.

It’s no secret that with e-signatures, there is no need to be physically present during the process and the signatories can do so from anywhere in the world with just a few clicks of a button. This opens up new opportunities for business optimisation and avoids the inconvenience that geographical barriers and logistical challenges could potentially cause.

Costs are important for every business and ZebraSign e-signatures and digitised documents will significantly reduce the costs associated with printing, mailing and storing paper documents.

Maximum convenience with our document printer

The convenience and speed of our electronic signature system is ensured by the ZebraSign printer, which you can simply install on your computer. It’s simple to use – when you open the document you want to sign, you simply select the print option on our platform and you have a digitised copy of the document to sign!

It doesn’t matter what format or application you’re working in, just press print button and the document will be sent to the email address of the contact you specified. This not only shortens the process of obtaining a signature, but also makes it much simpler.

Handwritten signature and Zebrasign Signature Pad app

Among the features that make life easier, it’s worth mentioning handwritten signatures in the browser window or on your tablet. When it comes to the law, a handwritten signature is considered an electronic signature and has the same legal effect as a written signature, provided that the users of such an electronic signature have agreed to it in writing in advance and that it is possible to save this agreement on a durable medium, such as an email.

All these aspects in ZebraSign platform are flawlessly implemented – all you have to do is identify the signer personally, just as you would with a paper signature. The rest of the signing process will be very quick and easy, and most importantly, you won’t need to upload the documents to another platform or send them anywhere else.

We have also thought about the situation where signing is necessary with unidentified persons at a distance, in which case the necessary authentication can be provided during the signing process using a mobile signature or SMART ID, otherwise known as a qualified signature.

If you are already hesitant about e-signatures, but also want the convenience of document forms digital solution, you’ll love the Zebrasign Signature Pad app. We’ve developed it so that you can move away from paper-based forms and digitise the whole process – from signing, to filling in the data, to saving it.

Download our Zebrasign Signature Pad app to your tablet and start using this time-saving solution from the very first minute.

Security and compliance – a non-negotiable necessity

In the digital age, security is one of the most important foundations for any business continuity, and electronic signatures help to ensure it. Advanced encryption algorithms and secure authentication methods ensure that ZebraSign’s electronic signature system is reliable and our signatures are tamper-proof. Digital certificates and other best practice technologies not only protect the interests of all parties involved in the signing process, but also provide confidence in the reliability of our electronic signatures.

Electronic signatures are widely accepted worldwide as legally binding in many jurisdictions and the number of places where they can be used is expanding. Various countries, including the United States United States and European Union countries, have enacted legislation and regulations to give legal force to electronic signatures. So ZebraSign certified electronic signatures ensure that businesses can confidently use them to sign documents ranging from contracts and agreements to consent forms and invoices. Documents signed in this way will be stored on our user-friendly and efficient document storage platform.

Reduced risk of fraud

Our e-signature solution has robust security features, so you can rest assured that your documents will be protected and you can focus on your business. We focus on authentication and digital certificates to ensure that the person signing the document is who they say they are. This reduces the risk of unauthorised access, forgery and other fraud associated with traditional signatures.

Don’t forget that once all documents have been transferred to ZebraSign’s digital document repository, there is no longer any physical access. With no document drawers, shelves or archives, it is much easier to trace who last viewed, downloaded or edited a document. Our electronic signature system provides a transparent record of the signing process, making it easier to detect suspicious activity and prevent damage before it happens.

Sustainability of electronic signatures

Environmental friendliness is a hot topic in modern times, and electronic signatures certainly help to save the environment by significantly reducing the use of paper. Traditional signing generates a lot of paper waste and contributes to deforestation.

By switching to ZebraSign electronic signatures, you can have a positive impact on the environment, by aligning your business with green practices. Not only will this shift to more environmentally friendly solutions contribute to your socially responsible resource planning, but it will also resonate positively with environmentally conscious customers or colleagues.

Better user experience and integrations

It’s no secret that the use of electronic signatures improves the overall experience for you, your customers and others involved, by simplifying and speeding up processes. Being able to sign documents remotely removes the need for you to be physically present during the signing process and reduces the paperwork burden. This convenience allows you to maximise the benefits of new technology-based processes and enjoy fast and efficient services.

ZebraSign electronic signature system is designed to integrate seamlessly with with existing business systems and software. Our document repositories with e-signature integration with customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and other platforms ensures a cohesive and connected digital ecosystem. You can benefit from the benefits of e-signatures without disrupting your established workflows – such document process will be much more convenient and efficient.

The undeniable benefits of e-signatures and digital document storage

The multiple benefits of a ZebraSign electronic signature system with document storage are undeniable – from time and cost efficiency to enhanced security and environmental sustainability. Electronic signatures have long been a standard in modern business practice, and as technology continues to advance, we have combined our signature solutions with digital document storage and added additional user-friendly features.

Businesses adopting our e-signature system can gain a competitive advantage by boosting agility, facilitating cross-departmental working, reducing operational costs and providing a better experience for both employees and customers.

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